Monday, February 23, 2009

The Warmack Branch Library is pleased to announce their 5th Annual African American Heritage Celebration, on Saturday, Feb. 28 from 3 pm to 5 pm.
Helping us celebrate will be members of Grand Prairie's Storytellers' Guild, and the University of North Texas African Percussion Ensemble. Traditional music from Ghana, Benin, Togo and Nigeria will be performed on instruments like the Gankogui (bells), Axtase (rattles) and many carved drums including the Kaganu, the Kidi or Asiwui, the Sogo, the Atsimenu, the Atumpan, Donno, Gungong, and Brekete.
Don't miss this exciting, free performance.
Thanks to our great local supporters like the Grand Prairie Arts Council and the Storytellers' Guild. Other local sponsors include Barbara’s Cake & Cookie Boutique, The Brass Bean, China Dragon Restaurant, Golden Corral Restaurant, McDonald’s, Sam’s Club, Starbuck’s, Subway Restaurants, Target Stores, Tom Thumb, Wal-Mart, and Yes Buffet.