Monday, March 16, 2009
Tuesday is Game Day at the Main Library!
At 1 pm, it's Wii gaming for Boomers and Seniors. Come to play, or just see how it works.
At 3 pm, it's Free Play for the teens. We'll start taking signups for the Tournament scheduled to start at 4:15. Choose Mario Kart or Guitar Hero
Put on your foodie thinking caps now, and start planning your entry in this year's Edible Book Festival. Entry forms are available at the Main Library.
The Edible Book Festival is a celebration of books, food, and reading, where entrants create "books" out of food. This year's festival is Saturday, April 4 from 2 pm to 4 pm.
The exhibition of entries is free - stop by to view the delicious and not-so-delicious dishes, and cast your vote for the People's Choice award.
Last year's Spiderwick Chronicles