Monday, August 16, 2010
Goodwill Hunting - Tips to Finding Best Bargains
Vicki Sapp shares her own "thrift-shopaholic" history and gives shopping alternatives and strategies for finding great bargains at 7 p.m. on Thursday, Aug. 26, at the Main Library, 901 Conover Drive. Whether you want to go green and reuse, or just buy more with less, don't miss this FREE program. Vicki is an Associate Professor of English at Tarrant County College's southeast campus.
Vicki Sapp shares her own "thrift-shopaholic" history and gives shopping alternatives and strategies for finding great bargains at 7 p.m. on Thursday, Aug. 26, at the Main Library, 901 Conover Drive. Whether you want to go green and reuse, or just buy more with less, don't miss this FREE program. Vicki is an Associate Professor of English at Tarrant County College's southeast campus.